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- Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Haluk Çelik, who graduated from Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, completed his specialty training in the Orthopedics and Traumatology department at Şişli Etfal Education and Research Hospital between 2009-2014.
In 2014, he worked with the world-renowned shoulder surgeon Gary Gartsman at Texas Orthopedic Hospital, Houston, USA. After mandatory service, Associate Professor Haluk Çelik returned to the USA in 2017, completed his Sports Surgery fellowship training at Scripps Clinic, San Diego, and contributed to many scientific studies in the medical literature during this period.
He served as the doctor for the A-National Women’s Basketball Team between 2016-2020.
He worked at Ümraniye Education and Research Hospital between 2018-2021 and received the title of Associate Professor in 2020.
In addition to general orthopedics and fracture surgery, he has advanced experience in ligament, cartilage, and meniscus surgery in the knee joint, tendon tears and recurrent dislocation surgery in the shoulder joint, and knee, hip, and shoulder prosthetic surgery. He is also interested in the treatment of sports injuries and regenerative treatments.
Associate Professor Haluk Çelik is an active member of the Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Association and the Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Associations, and he has been a speaker at many scientific congresses and an educator in courses. Continuing to serve as an assistant editor on the ESSKA Academy, the education platform of the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopy (ESSKA), he is among the academicians representing our country abroad. He holds a competency certificate in Orthopedics and Traumatology and is a member of the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council.
- Sports Surgery and Arthroscopic Surgery (Ligament-tendon-meniscus injuries)
- Knee, Hip and Shoulder Prosthetic Surgery
- Foot-Ankle Surgery
- Extremity Fractures and Deformity Surgery
- Cartilage Surgery and Regenerative Treatments
Undergraduate: Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Health Sciences University, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Health Application and Research Center / Department of Surgical Medical Sciences / Orthopedics and Traumatology Department
Associate Professorship: Health Sciences University Ümraniye Health and Application Research Center / Department of Surgical Medical Sciences / Orthopedics and Traumatology Department
- Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
- Şişli Etfal Education and Research Hospital
- Texas Orthopedic Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA
- Zonguldak Atatürk State Hospital
- Scripps Clinic, San Diego, California, USA
- Turkey Basketball Federation – A National Women’s Basketball Team
- Ümraniye Education and Research Hospital
- Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Union Association (TOTBİD)
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTDER)
- Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association (TUSYAD) – (Member of the Scientific Board for the Anterior Cruciate Ligament)
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council (TOTEK)
- Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Association
- European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA)
A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
A.1 ÇELİK HALUK, CHAUHAN AAKASH, FLORES-HERNANDEZ CESAR, DORTHE ERIK, DLIMA DARRYL, HOENECKE HEINZ (2020). Sagittal orientation of coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction affects the stability of surgical repair. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2019.11.034, (Control No: 6140993)
A.2 ÇELİK HALUK, CHAUHAN AAKASH, FLORES-HERNANDEZ CESAR, ERIK DORTHE, GOODINE THOMAS, DLIMA DARRYL, HOENECKE HEINZ (2020). Vertical and Rotational Stiffness of Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction: A Biomechanical Study of 3 Different Techniques. Arthroscopy-The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.01.033, (Control No: 6065943)
A.3 ÇELİK HALUK, CHAUHAN AAKASH, FLORES-HERNANDEZ CESAR, DLIMA DARRYL, HOENECKE HEINZ (2020). Three-Dimensional Volumetric Filling Ratio Predicts Stress Shielding in Short Stem Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, (Control No: 6128345)
A.4 TÜRKMEN İSMAİL, ALTUN GÜRAY, ÇELİK HALUK, BİLSEL KEREM (2020). Can subcoracoid cyst formation be a sign of anterosuperior rotator cuff tears and biceps pulley lesions? A prospective radiologic and arthroscopic correlation study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2019.11.036, (Control No: 6141002)
A.5 LEE SUNG-SAHN, ÇELİK HALUK, LEE DAE-HEE (2018). Predictive Factors for and Detection of Lateral Hinge Fractures Following Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: Plain Radiography Versus Computed Tomography. Arthroscopy-The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 34(11), 3073-3079., Doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2018.06.041, (Control No: 6034831)
A.6 ÇELİK HALUK, POLAT ÖMER, ÖZCAN ÇAĞRI, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, UZUN METİN (2020). Assessment of the Quality and Reliability of the Information on Rotator Cuff Repair on YouTube. Orthopaedics Traumatology-Surgery Research, 106(1), 31-34., Doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2019.10.004, (Control No: 6034770)
A.7 RA HO JONG, ÇELİK HALUK, KIM HYUN-JUN, LEE DAE-HEE (2019). Femoral tunnel widening is similar between anteromedial portal and transtibial techniques following single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 27(2), 626-635., Doi: 10.1007/s00167-018-5204-z, (Control No: 6075176)
A.8 ÇELİK HALUK, KARA ADNAN, SAĞLAM YAVUZ, TÜRKMEN İSMAİL, AYKUT SERKAN, ERDİL MEHMET (2018). Can double fluoroscopy reduce surgical time and radiation exposure during intertrochanteric femur fracture nailing in oblique patient position at 70 degrees to the floor?. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery, 24(6), 581- 586., Doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.04048, (Control No: 6034778)
A.9 TAŞÇI MURAT, TÜRKMEN İSMAİL, ÇELİK HALUK, AKÇAL MEHMET AKİF, ŞEKERCİ RAHİME, KELEŞ NİGAR, SAĞLAM NECDET, AKPINAR FUAT (2019). InSafeLock humeral nail provides a safe application for proximal and distal locking screws with distal endopin – An anatomical study. Orthopaedics Traumatology: Surgery Research, 105(5), 1005-1011., Doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2019.04.014, (Control No: 6034793)
A.10 ÇELİK HALUK, DAE-HEE LEE (2019). Comparison of the aperture and midportion femoral tunnel widening after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Medicine, 98(26), 16121-16128., Doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000016121, (Control No: 6075170)
A.11 KİM JUN-HO, KİM HYUN-JUNG, ÇELİK HALUK, KİM JOO-HWAN, LEE DAE-HEE (2019). Change in adduction moment following medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy: a meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 20(1), 102-109., Doi: 10.1186/s12891-019-2472-9, (Control No: 6075174)
A.12 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, BANKAOĞLU MÜJDAT, ÖÇ YUNUS, BÜLBÜL MURAT, SÜGÜN TAHİR SADIK (2016). Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon Following Volar Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume, 41(3), 374-380., Doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2015.11.022, (Control No: 6034848)
A.13 ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, ÇELİK HALUK (2019). Prediction of the Mortality with Comorbidity – Polypharmacy Score in the Osteoporotic Hip Fractures. Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 86(5), 320-323., (Control No: 6089341)
A.14 ÇELİK HALUK, UZUN METİN (2020). Letter regarding: Comparison of different locking plate fixation methods in lateral malleolus fractures. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 26(1), 116, Doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2019.06.008, (Control No: 6075166)
A.15 ÇELİK HALUK, SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, AKÇAL MEHMET AKİF, KARA ADNAN, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, AKMAN ŞENOL (2017). Mid-long term results of manipulation and arthroscopic release in frozen shoulder. Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, 25(6), 270-274., Doi: 10.1590/1413- 785220172506174033, (Control No: 6075179)
A.16 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, UZUN METİN, SÖNMEZ MEHMET MESUT, ERDİL MEHMET (2016). Procedural outcomes of double vs. single fluoroscopy for fixing intertrochanteric femur fractures. Archieves of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 136(7), 929-934., Doi: 10.1007/s00402- 016-2473-1, (Control No: 6034839)
A.17 KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, ÇELİK HALUK, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÜNLÜ RUHAT, KESKİNÖZ ELİF NEDRET, YILMAZ BARIŞ (2020). Analysis of subcutaneous anterior transposition versus in-situ decompression of ulnar nerve with force transducer in cadaver specimen. Turkish Neurosurgery, 30(1), 99-103., Doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.27190-19.2, (Control No: 6066063)
A.18 ÇELİK HALUK, SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, KARA ADNAN, AKMAN ŞENOL (2017). Isolated HAGL lesion after arthroscopic Bankart repair in a professional soccer player. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 45(2), 199-202., Doi: 10.1080/00913847.2017.1309955, (Control No: 6066067)
A.19 ÖZCAN ÇAĞRI, POLAT ÖMER, ÇELİK HALUK, UÇAR BEKİR YAVUZ (2019). The Effect of Paravertebral Ozone Injection in the Treatment of Low Back Pain. Pain Practice, 19(8), 821-825., Doi: 10.1111/papr.12812, (Control No: 6034845)
A.20 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, KILINÇ ERAY, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, UZUN METİN (2015). Surgical treatment of dorsal perilunate fracture-dislocations and prognostic factors. International Journal of Surgery, 24, 57-63., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2015.10.037, (Control No: 6034843)
A.21 KARA ADNAN, GÜLENÇ BARIŞ, ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ ERAY, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, ŞENER BURAK (2019). Acute Total Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of Thumb – Primary Repair with Mini Soft Suture Anchor (JuggerKnotTM). Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 86(5), 353-357., (Control No: 6089346)
A.22 KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, KARA ADNAN, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÇELİK HALUK, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, BİLGİN EMRE, ERTEN YUNUS TURGAY, ŞAHİNKAYA TÜRKER, EREN OSMAN TUĞRUL (2016). Transtibial vs anatomical single bundle technique for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A Retrospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Surgery, 29, 62-69., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2016.03.025, (Control No: 6034032)
A.23 KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, KARA ADNAN, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÇELİK HALUK, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ (2016). Evaluation of the accuracy of Lachman and Anterior Drawer Tests with KT1000 in the follow-up of anterior cruciate ligament surgery. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(4), 363-367., Doi: 10.12965//jer.1632622.311, (Control No: 6089261)
A.24 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, KARAKOYUN ÖZGÜR, ARMAĞAN RAFFİ, KUYUCU ERSİN, ERDİL MEHMET (2016). Treatment of open fractures with a computer-assisted external fixator system without the use of fluoroscopy. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 11(1), 51-57., Doi: 10.1186/s13018-016-0379-9., (Control No: 6075213)
A.25 KARA ADNAN, YALÇIN SERCAN, ÇELİK HALUK, KUYUCU ERSİN, ŞEKER ALİ (2017). Compression neuropathy of the common peroneal nerve caused by an intraosseous ganglion cyst of fibula. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 40, 10-12., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2017.08.050, (Control No: 6075217)
A.26 KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, KARA ADNAN, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÇELİK HALUK (2015). Isokinetic dynamometer evaluation of the effects of early thigh diameter difference on thigh muscle strength in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon graft. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 11(2), 95-100., Doi: 10.12965/jer.150100, (Control No: 6089222)
A.27 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, UYSAL MEHMET ALİ, UZUN METİN, MALKOÇ MELİH (2014). Granuloma formation secondary to Achilles tendon repair with nonabsorbable suture. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 5(10), 720-722., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2014.07.026, (Control No: 6089256)
A.28 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, SEZER HASAN BASRİ, KILINÇ ERAY, UZUN METİN (2014). Ochronosis diagnosed after knee arthroscopy. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 5(8), 497-499., Doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2014.06.007, (Control No: 6089264)
C. Chapters written in national/international books:
C2. Chapters in national/international books:
C2.1 Shoulder Instability from A to Z, Chapter title: (Open Surgical Techniques in Revision) (2018)., ÇELİK HALUK, AKMAN ŞENOL, Kare Publishing, Editors: Atalar Ata Can, Güneş Taner, Edition number: 1, Page Number 276, ISBN:978-605-9366-19-9, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Control No: 6035842)
C2.2 Distal Radius Fractures Current Approaches, Chapter title: (Open Reduction in Distal Radius Fractures: Fixation with Volar Plate) (2018)., ÇELİK HALUK, KARA ADNAN, TETİK CİHANGİR, US Academy, Editors: Özkan Mustafa Hulisi, Sügün Tahir Sadık, Başçı Onur, Edition number: 1, Page Number 163, ISBN:978-605-9358-56-9, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Control No: 6075186)
C2.3 Orthopedic Classifications and Scoring, Chapter title: (Hand Surgery) (2017)., KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, GÜLENÇ BARIŞ, YALÇIN SERCAN, Istanbul Medical Bookstores, Editors: Erdil Mehmet, Polat Gökhan, Edition number: 1, Page Number 336, ISBN:978-605-9528-20-7, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Control No: 6074972)
C2.4 Rotator Cuff from A to Z, Chapter title: (Frozen Shoulder Disease) (2016)., AKMAN ŞENOL, ÇELİK HALUK, SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, Kare Publishing, Editors: Karahan Mustafa, Akgün Umut, Edition number: 1, Page Number 285, ISBN:978-605-85593-4-9, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Control No: 6074988)
C2.5 Current Information and Techniques in Arthroscopic Surgery, Chapter title: (Shoulder Arthroscopy: Arthroscopic Stabilization Surgery) (2016)., AKMAN ŞENOL, ÇELİK HALUK, Istanbul Medical Bookstores, Editors: Doral Mahmut Nedim, Aşık Mehmet, Akseki Devrim, Müezzinoğlu Sefa, Özsoy Hakan, Edition number: 1, ISBN:978-605-9528-00-9, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Control No: 6074980)
C2.6 Complications in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Chapter title: (Rotator Cuff Tears in Total Shoulder Prosthesis Applications) (2016)., AKMAN ŞENOL, ÇELİK HALUK, Totbid Publications, Editors: Kalenderer Önder, Güven Melih, Edition number: 1, ISBN:978-605-6600-75-3, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Control No: 6099342)
D. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:
D.1 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ÖÇ YUNUS, UZUN METİN, ERDİL MEHMET, TETİK CİHANGİR (2016). Flexor tendon complications in comminuted distal radius fractures treated with anatomic volar rim locking plates. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 50(6), 665-669., Doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2016.04.001, (Control No: 6034783)
D.2 ÇELİK HALUK, UZUN METİN (2019). Dorsal approach for excision of Morton’s interdigital neuroma: A mid-term follow-up study. Archives of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 4(1), 14-16., Doi: 10.25000/acem.486816, (Control No: 6066059)
D.3 ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, SÖNMEZ MEHMET MESUT, ÇELİK HALUK, ÖÇ YUNUS (2015). Cost Analysis of Osteoporotic Hip Fractures. Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis, 21(3), 118-121., Doi: 10.4274/tod.83702, (Control No: 6065922)
D.4 ÇELİK HALUK, SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, AKMAN ŞENOL (2017). Complications in Rotator Cuff Surgery. The Medical Journal of Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital, 33(3), 155- 163., Doi: 10.5222/otd.2017.1114, (Control No: 6075219)
D.5 SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, SÖNMEZ MEHMET MESUT, ÖZTÜRK İRFAN (2013). A rare cause of shoulder pain: Ganglion cyst in the spinoglenoid notch. Şişli Etfal Hospital Medical Bulletin, 47(3), 151-153., Doi: 10.5350/SEMB2013470309, (Control No: 6075222)
E. Presentations at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
E.1 ÇELİK HALUK, HOENECKE HEINZ (2018). Does stem length and type in total shoulder prostheses affect bone loss associated with stress shielding?. 28th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6074991)
E.2 ÇELİK HALUK (2019). Can a Soft Anchor be a Salvage Treatment Method in Delayed or Neglected Hammer Toe Deformity?. 5th Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6066005)
E.3 ÇELİK HALUK, KARA ADNAN (2019). Results of Judet Quadricepsplasty in the treatment of post-traumatic knee extension contracture. Bone Joint 2019 Congress, (Control No: 6117766)
E.4 TURHAN EGEMEN, ÇELİK DERYA, TÜZÜNER TOLGA, BAL EMİN, KARAASLAN FATİH, BOMBACI HASAN, ÇİÇEK HAKAN, DEMİRAĞ BURAK, ZEHİR SİNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, KOCABEY YAVUZ (2018). A survey study to investigate the preferences and approaches of Turkish physicians in anterior cruciate ligament injuries. XIV. TURK SPORTS INJURIES ARTHROSCOPY AND KNEE SURGERY (TUSYAD) CONGRESS, (Control No: 6117790)
E.5 KILINÇ ERAY, KARA ADNAN, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÇELİK HALUK, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, EREN OSMAN TUĞRUL (2014). Functional, Clinical and Biomechanical Comparison of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Anatomical Placement of Transtibial Tunnel Placement-Transtibial Tunnel Anatomical Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Functional, Clinical and Biomechanical Comparison. XII. TURK SPORTS INJURIES ARTHROSCOPY AND KNEE SURGERY (TUSYAD) CONGRESS, (Control No: 6117804)
E.6 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, KARAKOYUN ÖZGÜR, ARMAĞAN RAFFİ, KUYUCU ERSİN, ERDİL MEHMET (2016). An effective treatment method without fluoroscopy in the treatment of long bone open fractures: Computer-assisted circular external fixator. 26th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6116899)
E.7 ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ ERAY, ŞEKER ALİ, EREN OSMAN TUĞRUL (2014). The relationship between the duration of follow-up of remodeling in conservatively treated pediatric femur diaphysis fractures. 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6065951)
E.8 ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÖZCAN MUHAMMED SEFA, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, KARA ADNAN (2015). The use of anatomically compatible locking plates in clavicle diaphysis fractures. 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6075023)
E.9 ÇELİK HALUK, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, ÖÇ YUNUS, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, VAROL ALİ, ERTOĞRUL RODİ (2015). Pediatric anterior sacroiliac joint dislocation and accompanying ipsilateral femoral neck fracture case: Case report. 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6065966)
E.10 ÇELİK HALUK, ÖÇ YUNUS, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, ÖZCAN MUHAMMED SEFA, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, KARA ADNAN (2015). Long-term results of closed-nail intramedullary osteosynthesis in tibia diaphysis fractures. 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6065969)
E.11 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ENGİN UYSAL SEÇİL, UYSAL MEHMET ALİ, SEVER CEM, MALKOÇ MELİH (2015). A rare disease to consider in patients treated for ingrown toenail: Subungual exostosis. 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6075019)
E.12 ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, ÖÇ YUNUS, VAROL ALİ, KARA ADNAN (2015). The effectiveness of open surgical decompression in carpal tunnel syndrome in long-term results. 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6065976)
E.13 ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÖZCAN MUHAMMED SEFA, KARA ADNAN (2015). Our cases subjected to lower extremity amputation: Epidemiological study. 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6065960)
E.14 KILINÇ BEKİR ERAY, SÖNMEZ MEHMET MESUT, KARA ADNAN, ÖÇ YUNUS, ÇELİK HALUK, EREN OSMAN TUĞRUL (2014). Isolated Trapezium Dislocation. Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, (Control No: 6075026)
E.15 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ ERAY, MALKOÇ MELİH, OLTULU İSMAİL (2014). Partial patellectomy after fragmented distal patella fractures using Krackow technique with high-strength suture: Two case presentations. 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6065982)
E.16 TALMAÇ MEHMET ALİ, ARMAĞAN RAFFİ, ÇELİK HALUK, SEZER HASAN BASRİ, EREN OSMAN TUĞRUL (2014). Is anatomical reduction sufficient for Lisfranc fractures dislocation?. 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6075024)
E.17 ÇAMUR SAVAŞ, KARA ADNAN, ERGÜN GÜNDÜZ, ÇELİK HALUK, KILINÇ ERAY (2014). An unusual etiology in knee extensor mechanism injury: Ochronosis. 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, (Control No: 6075025)
E.18 SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, AKMAN ŞENOL, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, ÖZTÜRK İRFAN (2012). A rare complication of glenohumeral instability arthrosis: Secondary Synovial Chondromatosis. Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2012, (Control No: 6075136)
E.19 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ERTÜRER RAMAZAN ERDEN, ŞEKER ALİ, ÖZTÜRK İRFAN (2012). Transscaphoid, Trans-styloid, Trans-triquetral Perilunate Fracture Dislocation: Case Presentation. 13th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, (Control No: 6075142)
E.20 KARA ADNAN, ÇELİK HALUK, ŞEKER ALİ, SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, ÖZTÜRK İRFAN (2012). Transscaphoid, Transcapitate Volar Perilunate Fracture Dislocation and First Metacarpal Fracture after Crush Injury. 13th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, (Control No: 6075140)
E.21 SEÇKİN MUSTAFA FAİK, ÇELİK HALUK, SÖNMEZ MEHMET MESUT, KARA ADNAN, ÖZTÜRK İRFAN (2012). Isolated Teres Minor Tendon Rupture. Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2012, (Control No: 6075027)




