Fields of interest in Pediatric Neurology
- Neurologic follow-up/supervision of high-risk babies (all preterm infants, babies who suffer from various problems that may affect the brain during birth or in neonatal period)
- Retardation in developmental stages (fine and gross motor skills, language, personal and social areas)
- Floppy baby (hypotonia)
- Headache (migraine-type, tension-type, mixed-type etc.), migraine variants
- Dizziness (Vertigo)
- Febrile convulsion, apnea seizures, afebrile convulsion, conditions mimicking the convulsion
- Epilepsy
- Cerebral palsy
- Mental retardation and associating conditions
- Autism – pervasive developmental disorder spectrum
- Speech and language disorders
- Sleep disorders (insomnia, parasomnia)
- Children with congenital or acquired brain anomaly
- Diseases that involve muscles and neuromuscular junction
- Diseases that involve the peripheral nervous system (congenital and acquired neuropathies)
- Movement disorders (tremor, tic, chorea, athetosis, ballismus)
- Neurometabolic diseases (metabolic diseases are prevalent in our country due to consanguineous marriages. The most common one is phenlyketonuria).
- Neurodegenerative diseases associated with loss of acquired skills
- Neurogenetic diseases manifested by dysmorphic findings
- Mitochondrial diseases
- Neurocutaneous diseases (tuberosclerosis, neurofibromatosis, Sturge Weber etc.)