Yrd Doc Dr Mithat Terzi copy

ASSIST. PROF. DT. MİTHAT TERZİ, M.D. Periodontoloji Uzmanı




- 1983
0216 524 13 00


  • Hisar Hospital Intercontinental

Assist. Prof Mithat Terzi was born in 1983. He was graduated from Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University in 2009.

He authored 7 articles published in local peer-review journals, 7 verbal and posterior presentations presented in international congresses and 11 verbal and posterior presentations presented in local congresses.

Local and International Lectures and Seminars and Oral Screening Examinations

  1. Festiculture LYON Eurexpo 2017 France
  2. Festiculture LYON Eurexpo 2018 France
  3. Festiculture LYON Eurexpo 2019 France
  4. Watsons Central Office Oral Screenings
  5. Unilever Central Office Oral Screenings
  6. GREATIST Dental Assistant Trainer
  7. Dental Implant Surgery Trainer
  8. Vestiyer Publishing Group Academic Consultancy

He attended about 28 local and international congresses.


  • Dental implant treatments
  • All-on-4 implant concept
  • Digital implant treatment (R2 Gate)
  • Advanced implant surgery
  • Periodontal flap surgery
  • Periodontal plastic surgery
  • Soft tissue surgery
  • Microsurgery
  • Treatment of gingival recession
  • 3D bone augmentations (Khory)
  • Piezosurgery assisted bone surgery
  • Minimally invasive sinus lifting treatments (MIABME)
  • A-Prf applications (Organic Dentistry)
  • Digital smile design
  • Gummy smile treatment
  • Smile Design -Bichectomy
  • Bleaching
  • Depigmentation
  • Medical aesthetic procedures
  • (Botox-Acupuncture-Mesotherapy)
  • Bruxism treatment with botox and splint
  • TMJ and migraine treatment
  • Laser assisted dental treatments

University: Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
Specialty Education: Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Periodontoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Assistant Professor Dr.: Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Periodontoloji Ana Bilim Dalı (2014-2016)

Assistant Professor Dr.: Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Periodontoloji Ana Bilim Dalı (2017-2018)


  • Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi
  • Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

Periodontology and Implantology

ULUSAL HAKEMLİ DERGİLERDEKİ YAYINLARI                                              

  1. Terzi M, Karaaslan F, Çalık M, Dilsiz A, Altun E. A Patient with Epidermal Cyst in Mandibula, Simultaneously Enucleation of Epidermal Cyst and Implant Placement: A Case Report. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni Supplement: 9, Yıl: 2014, Sayfa: 6-9.
  2. Karaaslan F, Terzi M. Residuel cement causes peri-implantitis: A Case Report, J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni Supplement: 9, Yıl: 2014, Sayfa: 10-14.
  3. Karaaslan F, Terzi M. “Double-Lobed Maxillary Sinus Lift and Dental Implant Treatment: A Case Report. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni cilt: 26, sayı:2 Yıl: 2016, Sayfa: 312-314.
  4. Karaaslan F, Terzi M. “Association Between Peri-implant Diseases and Cement-Retained Prosthesis: A Review” J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni, DOI: 10.17567/dfd.58567.
  5. Çakmak Ö, Terzi M, Öncü E. Stress Markers and Periodontal Diseases Dental Journal of Dicle Cilt 17, sayı:1 2016, sayfa: 170-177.
  6. Terzi M, Karaaslan F. ‘’Correction of insufficient İnterocclusal Space Without Bone Removing: A Case Report Balıkesir Medical Journal 2017 1 (2), 42-46.
  7. Öztürk M, Karaaslan F, Orbak R, Terzi M. Pericoronitis Caused by Distomolar Teeth: A Case Report Balıkesir Medical Journal 2017 1 (2), 52-55.


SSCI, SCI-EXPANDED VE AHCI KAPSAMINDAKİ DERGİLERDE YAYINLANAN ÖZET ŞEKLİNDEKİ MAKALELERİ                                                                    

  1. Dilsiz A, Canakci V, Yavuz MC, Terzi M. Hereditary gingival fibromatosis: Report of five cases with a 5-year follow-up. June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA. J Clin Periodontol. 2012; 39:Supp 13:179
  2. Yavuz M, Terzi M, Demir T, Orbak R, Tezel A, Saglam E. Treatment management under general anesthesia of anticonvulsant induced gingival overgrowth in a 17 years old mental retarded patient (A case report) June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA. J Clin Periodontol. 2012; 39:Supp 13: 362
  3. Saglam E,Arabacı T, Yavuz MC, Terzi M, AkmanS. Using of platelet rich Fibrine with Coronally Advanced Flap in the treatment of Gingival recession: A Case report June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA. J Clin Periodontol. 2012; 39:Supp 13: 363
  4. Terzi M,Yavuz MC, Saglam E, Canakci CF. A patient with epidermal cyst in mandibula, simultaneously enuclation of epidermal cyst and implant placed. (A Case report)June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA. J Clin Periodontol. 2012; 39:Supp 13: 363
  5. Double-lobed maxillary sinus lift and dental implant treatment: a case report Karaaslan, M. Terzi, G. Uyanık, K. Karaçam, C.F. Canakcı. EuroPerio 8 – June 3-6, 2015 London UK J Clin Periodontol. 2015; :Supp 12399: 346



  1. Hereditary gingival fibromatosis: report of five cases with a 5-year follow-up A. Dilsiz, V. Canakci, M. Yavuz, Terzi June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA.
  2. Treatment management under general anesthesia of anticonvulsant induced gingival overgrowth in a 17 years old mental retarded patient (A case report) M. Yavuz, Terzi, T. Demir, R. Orbak, A. Tezel, E. Saglam June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA.
  3. Using of platelet rich Fibrine with Coronally Advanced Flap in the treatment of Gingival recession: A Case report E. Saglam, T. Arabacı, M. Yavuz, Terzi, S. Akman June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA.
  4. A patient with epidermal cyst in mandibula, simultaneously enuclation of epidermal cyst and implant placed. (A Case report) Terzi, M. Yavuz, E. Saglam, C. F. Canakci June 6-9, 2012. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology (Europerio-7) Vienna-AUSTRIA.
  5. Double-lobed maxillary sinus lift and dental implant treatment: a case report Karaaslan, M. Terzi, G. Uyanık, K. Karaçam, C.F. Canakcı. EuroPerio 8 – June 3-6, 2015 London UK
  6. Treatment of Gummy Smile (Lip Repositioning and Botox): A Case Report Uğur Alpar, Mithat Terzi, Zeynep Uğurağ 24. Uluslararası Dişhekimliği Kongresi  2018 Ankara
  7. Prosthodontic Treatment of Hypomature Type Amelogenesis Imperfecta: A Case Report Canan Sabak, Kübra Değirmenci,Mithat Terzi Ferhat Özelçi 24. Uluslararası Dişhekimliği  Kongresi  2018 Ankara



  1. Öztürk,R. Orbak, M. Terzi, G. Emrem, Dental Implants on a Patient with Papillon LeFevre Syndrome: A Case Report. (Turkish Society of Oral Implantology 25th International Scientific Congress /17-18 January 2014 İstanbul -page 49)
  2. ÖŞ Ata, F. Karaaslan, Terzi, Akut Nekrotizan Ülseratif Gingivitis: A Case Report. (Anatomi Günleri 20-23 Şubat 2014 Erzurum sayfa 8)
  3. Karaaslan, M. Terzi, G. Emrem Doğan, ÖŞ. Ata.Maxillary Sinus Septa: Evaluation With Panoramic Radiography. (Anatomi Günleri 20-23 Şubat 2014 Erzurum sayfa 72)
  4. Karaaslan, M. Terzi, G. Emrem Doğan, ÖŞ. Ata. Alveolaris inferior Nerve Injury: A Case Report. (Anatomi Günleri 20-23 Şubat 2014 Erzurum sayfa 73)
  5. Terzi M, Çiçek Y, Dilsiz A, Çanakçı CF, Yavuz MC, Karaaslan F. Investigation of the Effects of Serum Cortisol, Alpha-Amylase, Dopamine and Prolactin Changes in Levels on the Periodontal Status in Postmenopausal Women with Chronic Periodontitis. Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0012).
  6. Karaaslan F, Terzi M, Öztürk M, Kızıldağ A. Residual Cement Causes Peri-Implantitis: A Case Report Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0013).
  7. Terzi M, Yavuz MC, Karaaslan F, Kızıldağ A. Management of a Patient Having Maxillary Defect with İmplant-Supported Fixed Prosthesis and One-Year Follow-up: A Case Report Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0021).
  8. Doğan G, Karaaslan F, Terzi M. The Effect of Peritoneal Dialysis Duration on Clinical Periodontal Parameters: A Clinical Research Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0025).
  9. Özkan Y, Terzi M, Öztürk M. Multidisciplinary Treatment of a Patient with Combined Periodontal-Endodontic Lesion: A Case Report Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0036).
  10. Ata ÖŞ, Terzi M. Therapeutic Approach for Idiopathic Gingival Fibromatosis. A Case Report Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0062).
  11. Kızıldağ A, Arabacı T, Terzi M, Karaaslan F. Capillary Hemangioma in the Oral Mucosa. A Case Report Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul (0099).


KATILDIĞI KONGRELER ve KURSLAR                                                                     

  1. Europerio7 (6-9 Haziran 2012)  Viyana Avustralya
  2. Deney Hayvanları Kullanım Eğitimi Programı (Temmuz-2013) Erzurum
  3. Diş Hekimliğinde Estetik Yaklaşımlar Sempozyumu (30 Kasım 2013) Erzurum
  4. Anatomi Günleri (20-22 Şubat 2014) Erzurum
  5. Botoks Temel Seviye Eğitimi (Mart 2014) İstanbul
  6. Botoks İleri Seviye Eğitimi (Mart 2014) İstanbul
  7. Dermal Dolgu Temel Seviye Eğitimi (Mart 2014) İstanbul
  8. Dermal Dolgu İleri Seviye Eğitimi (Mart 2014) İstanbul
  9. Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 44. Bilimsel Kongresi (9–10 Mayıs 2014) İstanbul
  10. A-Prf Uygulamaları ve 3D Augmentasyon (Dr.H. Gökdeniz) EDAD (2014) İstanbul
  11. Dental İstanbul 2014 Kongresi ve Kozmetik Diş Hekimliği Sempozyumu
  12. Türk Periodontoloji Derneği’nin 45. Bilimsel Kongresi (12-14 kasım 2015) Ankara
  13. Yumuşak Doku Cerrahisi (Prof.Dr. Korkud Demirel) (2015) İstanbul
  14. Çene Ekrem Rahatsızlıkları ve Çözüm Yolları(3-4 Eylül 2016 Medipol Diş Hek Fak)
  15. Dental Tribune Türkiye sempozyumu (28-30 Nisan 2017) İstanbul
  16. Gülüş Tasarımında Porselen Lamina Veneerler Eğitim Semineri (26-27 Ağustos 2017) İstanbul
  17. GREATIST 2017 Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Kongresi (27-29 Ekim 2017) İstanbul
  18. 2 days lasers in dentistry workshop (18th – 19th November 2017) Istanbul
  19. The Biological Consept of Autogenouse Bone Augmentation (22 Aralık 2017) İstanbul
  20. Participated in EBSCOhost Databases and Services Training (2018) Bolu
  21. Dental Tribune Türkiye sempozyumu (12-15 Nisan 2018) İstanbul
  22. GREATIST 2018 Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Kongresi (26-28 Ekim 2018) İstanbul
  23. İmplantüstü Protezlerde Oklüzyon ve Klinik Protokoller Eğitimi (9 Ocak 2019) İstanbul
  24. Oral İmplantolojide Sert Doku Defektlerinin Rekonstrüksiyonu (26-27 Ocak 2019) İstanbul
  25. Dental Tribune Türkiye sempozyumu (11-14 Nisan 2019) İstanbul
  26. All-on-4® Konsept ile İmmediyat Total Rehabilitasyon Eğitimi (17-18 Mayıs 2019) İstanbul
  27. Dental Xp İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi (2019 İstanbul)
  28. Dental Fotoğrafçılık Eğitimi (2019) İstanbul


Yurtiçi, Yurtdışı; Verdiği Eğitim, Seminer ve Yaptığı Ağız Taramaları :

  1. Festiculture LYON Eurexpo 2017 Fransa
  2. Festiculture LYON Eurexpo 2018 Fransa
  3. Festiculture LYON Eurexpo 2019 Fransa
  4. Watsons Merkez Ofis Ağız Taramaları
  5. Unilever Merkez Ofis Ağız Taramaları
  6. GREATIST Dental Asistan Eğitmenliği
  7. Dental İmplant Cerrahisi Eğitmenliği
  8. Vestiyer Yayın Grubu Akademik Danışmanlığı